Save time and money by buying Patio Roof Risers at a local retailer. If you can't find a location nearby, you can purchase directly from us. Simply click on the dropdowns below to see our products.
Post to Double Beam
(2) Hex Bolt and Nut
(4) Bridge Washer
Diagonal Brace
(1) Lag Screw
(1) Hex Bolt and Nut
(3) Bridge Washer
Post to Single Beam
(1) T - Brace
(6) Hex Bolt and Nut
(6) Bridge Washers
(2) T - Brace
(6) Hex Bolt and Nut
Note: You will need the hardware for a "Post to Double Beam" for each Post Mount Patio Roof Riser, unless you are planning on mounting your beams to the post in a different way.
Our kits include all of the hardware you will need for your post to beam connections on the roof and ground sides of your structure. It does not include lumber, joist hangers / screws, or post bases.
Make sure you read all of the options carefully when ordering to ensure your hardware is sized correctly for your materials.